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A home spa or hot tub can make for a fun family activity. However, there are hot tub safety concerns that all home spa and hot tub owners need to understand if they want to keep kids safe in this potentially dangerous space.
This article will detail how to maintain hot tub safety – and how to keep these safe spaces fun!
Hot tubs are generally set to reach 104 degrees Fahrenheit – a toasty and comfortable temperature for most adults. However, children have a more difficult time dissipating heat, and this extreme temperature can cause nausea or even light-headedness, putting the child in a dangerous position.
Our recommendation: Turn the heat down to 98 degrees, always have adult supervision while the hot tub is in use, limit hot tub sessions for kids to fifteen minutes, and keep cold water around to drink.
Keeping kids hydrated is essential during a dip in the hot tub. Use sliced fruit, favorite juices, twisty straws, and paper umbrellas to create kid-friendly “mocktails” that they’ll be excited to sip on. If anyone starts to feel sleepy or sick, they need some time out in the fresh air.
Children should never be fully immersed in a hot tub. Drains, pumps, and other filters can enact a suction-like pull on hair and clothes. Getting stuck or staying under (and out of sight) for too long can lead to a potential drowning. It’s best for kids to stay on the bench-like structures (like the ones in Sundance®️ Spas’ Splash Series).
Additionally, if a child is not tall enough to keep their shoulders and head above the water while standing on the bottom, it’s not recommended that they hang out in the hot tub. The CDC actually recommends that children aged five and under stay away from hot tubs entirely due to this safety concern.
Our recommendation: Rules should include keeping the head and shoulders above the water, staying away from any pumps and filters, and keeping the “booty on the bench.”
Encourage above-water fun by eliminating sink toys and instead incorporating floating toys or balls.
This is the biggest water safety concern that spa owners should have. Hot tubs should have a top that locks, and kids should never be unsupervised while they are in a hot tub.
Our recommendation: Cover hot tubs with a lock-and-key top. Sit within reaching distance of children while they are in the hot tub.
Choose a stuffed animal, garden gnome, or another “hot tub guardian.” When they’re “guarding” the hot tub, kids should know that they’re not allowed to touch the hot tub’s lid!
Hot tub safety, in part, comes down to the water’s chemical balance. This is particularly important when owners are on vacation or visiting a place in which the hot tub is in regular use by others.
Most hardware stores have pH strips that can be used to test the water, and all spa owners should know how to test their water properly. In general, the water should smell a bit like chlorine. No straps or handles should appear to be super-slick or particularly sticky.
Our recommendation: If the water in a hot tub is cloudy, there’s a big risk that there’s bacteria that could cause infection, gastrointestinal illness, and more. Use pH strips to check the water before taking a dip.
The pH strips change color to indicate safety. Let kids play scientist and check the pH for themselves! If they determine that the water is unsafe on their own, they’ll be much more likely to accept a “no-go” from a parent or guardian.
When it comes to spa safety, finding a hot tub that works for your family and encourages good habits is essential. Great Bay Spa & Sauna has everything you need for outdoor fun – and the recommendations to help you make this the best summer ever.
Visit us in our store or contact us online for more information.